The Contamination Monitor LB 124 SCINT is a portable battery-powered instrument. It is comprised of a display unit with microprocessor electronics, a signal processing electronics and a ZnS-scintillator with photomultiplier and an active measurement area of 170 cm². Its sophisticated reflector geometry ensures that the response is extremely flat over the entire sensitive area. There are guides to mount an additional grating for better detector protection of to use a sample holder with drawer for activity measurement of small samples.FunctionsThe LB 124 SCINT has an attractive and ergonomic design and due to its low weight it is easy to handle. Even under averse conditions, the measured results can be read easily on a large high-resolution display with background lighting.A few directly accessible function keys suffice to operate the LB 124 SCINT. The instrument's surfaces can easily be decontaminated.Different user profiles with different levels of complexity and access rights can be selected: Less experienced users may use the instrument as a simple, clearly structured system. For experienced users the software offers numerous functions and utilities, measurement modes and access to all parameters.
Profiles can be configured password-protected and are pre-defined as EASY, STANDARD and EXPERT. The instrument has a large data memory and supports bi-directional communication via RS232.
FOLLOWiNG reports of price cuts for top-end Amigas in the USA, Commodore UK spokesman Andrew Bai) has discounted suggestions that the same couid happen on this side of the Atiantic. He told Am go Compuf-! Rng: These are just spurl ous rumours.' The American price cuts take in both Amiga 2000 and 3000 ranges and vary from 10 to 26 per cent.
Program download and data transfer to a PC or printer are possible. The Contamination Monitor LB 124 SCINT is a versatile and flexible instrument for practical radiation protection. It can be employed wherever contamination caused by radioactive substances is encountered and has to be monitored:. nuclear medicine. research. nuclear power plants.
decommissioning of nuclear facilities. disposal of nuclear waste. environmental monitoringThe instrument is used to measure radioactive alpha and beta-gamma contaminations on surfaces such as floors, walls, desks, objects, clothing or skin.