Note: It is recommended you do not uninstall this component unless you are also uninstalling allAutodesk products that require this library. Autodesk Material Library 2015 – Base Image LibraryThis library contains low-resolution (approximately 512 x 512) images for use with Autodesk Materials. Autodesk Material Library 2015 – Medium Image LibraryThis library contains medium-resolution (approximately 1024 x 1024) images for rendering materials in medium detail. This library is used for close-ups and for rendering objects at a larger scale. This library is an installation option available on the Select Products to Install page in the installation wizard. If you uninstall or remove a library, the library is no longer available for any products. Uninstalling also means you will be unable to view or display scenes that haveAutodesk Materials currently in them.To reinstall the material libraries, run the corresponding MSI:.
Autodesk Material Library 2015: ContentADSKMaterials2015CM MaterialLibrary2015.msi. Autodesk Material Library 2015 Base Image Library: ContentADSKMaterials2015ILB BaseImageLibrary.msi. Autodesk Material Library 2015 Medium Image Library: ContentADSKMaterials2015ILM MediumImageLibrary.msi.
Apr 18, 2016. [Voiceover] The 3ds Max Asset Library Application is aseparate program you can download from Autodesk.Once it's installed you can use it to navigateand download files from Autodesk Seek.And also drag and drop scenes from your local hard drive.You need to be logged in to get thefull. The VP MATERIAL MANAGER is the perfect tool to manage materials within 3ds max in ways never possible before. Material presets can now have ATTRIBUTES that can easily be filtered with the integrated attribute filters. The times are over where you needed to dig through folders to find the material you need. Just select the combination of attributes and the preset manager will just show you the. The Autodesk Material Libraries are shared libraries installed with Autodesk products such as Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit and 3ds Max. The Material Libraries are installed by default (unless you deselect the option) when you install 3ds Max. If one of the other applications is already installed, the material libraries might be installed already.
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