NASCAR Heat 2 is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC now.If you are enjoying NASCAR Heat 2 (or just curious about the new game) then head over to our. A place on the internet to discuss the game, download the mods and have your say with your fellow NASCAR Heat 2 fans!Are you enjoying the new game? What do you think the title does right / wrong? Are you happy to see a new patch already? What else do the devs need to do to bring the game up to speed?
Just activate the smart object in the template that is identified as the layer to edit, and you will be taken to a redesigned car template with a flat, lined up artboard to place your design on. Once you are happy with your design, commit the changes by saving the smart object file and it will automagically update in the main car template. TMS is is proud to publicly release Orange County Speedway for Nascar Heat! By: Speedyman11 Orange County Speedway Touted as 'The Fastest 3/8 mile Race Track In America', the high banks of OCS currently feature the ultra fast Super Late Models of The CARS and PASS Tours. The original track was created by Project Short Track. A sim racing league for online competitors. 2002-2019 © NASCAR Heat Racing League.
Let us know in the comments section below! Lots of modding potential this year. Discovering even more than last year. Cars aren't packed into one file, which means we can update them with accurate skins one at a time rather than having to release a new skin pack.I've also been working with the base designs they've provided and it's possible to create new base paint schemes for the 'Custom Skin' UI, they just have to be painted in 3 specific colors, much like how iRacing does their paint kit on the website.Also should be able to provide car viewers and templates for custom skins much more accurately than last year. Installing them is still cludgy, but no more so than F1 2016 / 2017 for example.The game has shown enough improvement for me that I think I will stay interested enough to want to do things like track texture/billboard updates as I progress through career mode, but my main focus right now is on removing the annoying car ahead name labels. I'm oh so close - when I accomplish that, I'll start moving on to some other items and sharing more knowledge.Here's some images of some discoveries thus far.
Click to expand.You would think that NHE had provided Monster with enough input to fix its many flaws, unfortunately NH2 is a terrible PC port. It has poor visuals (poor AA poor LOD), poor optimization - high fps but frame drops, limited graphics options. Still the same controller tool they supplied as a fix for NHE.The redeeming factors is an AI that can actually provide a fun race and the new series and road tracks are pretty good too.I cannot really forgive Monster for failing to improve the performance and visuals of NHE.They appear not to know how to make the unity engine purr on a PC.Keep hoping for fixes though, keep hoping that they have learned from NHE. You would think that NHE had provided Monster with enough input to fix its many flaws, unfortunately NH2 is a terrible PC port. It has poor visuals (poor AA poor LOD), poor optimization - high fps but frame drops, limited graphics options. Still the same controller tool they supplied as a fix for NHE.The redeeming factors is an AI that can actually provide a fun race and the new series and road tracks are pretty good too.I cannot really forgive Monster for failing to improve the performance and visuals of NHE.They appear not to know how to make the unity engine purr on a PC.Keep hoping for fixes though, keep hoping that they have learned from NHE.
You would think that NHE had provided Monster with enough input to fix its many flaws, unfortunately NH2 is a terrible PC port. It has poor visuals (poor AA poor LOD), poor optimization - high fps but frame drops, limited graphics options.
Still the same controller tool they supplied as a fix for NHE.The redeeming factors is an AI that can actually provide a fun race and the new series and road tracks are pretty good too.I cannot really forgive Monster for failing to improve the performance and visuals of NHE.They appear not to know how to make the unity engine purr on a PC.Keep hoping for fixes though, keep hoping that they have learned from NHE.
This is a full Nascar Heat track tutorial made by Oleg (TheMask). Oleg is probally the community's biggest guru when it comes to Heat editing.BEGIN TUTE:This document is not a complete tutorial and not meant to be it, it is a guide which lists steps needed to put a track into NASCAR Heat in logical order, mentioning the tools that will be required along the process.Track making in general can be divided into 2 parts:1. Creating tracks from scratch2. Converting tracks from other racing simsHeat-specific track creation can be devided into 2 more parts:3. Creating track using Multigen Creator (MC)4.
Creating tracks using MKFLT (DOS-based util)Point 4 frees you from dealing with a 3D modeling program MC, making 3dsmax your main tool but also is a more time consuming way of track building, whereas point 3 make track creation easier and faster.I will assume that the track already exists and that the task is to put it into NHeat.CHAPTER 1. GETTING THE TRACK INTO 3DSMAXNo matter which method you choose, you will have to work in 3dsmax. If you're converting a track from SCGT then to bring it into 3dsmax you would need to do the following:SCGT tracks are a collection of a few files, among which you will find several MAS files. All track geometry resides in a MAS file usually named as the track itself, e.g. Interlagos.mas, and textures for the track reside in a TracknameMap.mas file (e.g.
InterlagosMap.mas ). So the steps are:1. Unpack these 2 MAS files using MASpuce utility. This will create a lot of single.VRL files.2.
Convert all VRL files into a single WRL file using VRLtoVRML utility.3. Now this WRL can be imported into 3dsmax which is what you need to do.4. Delete all helpers and all untextured objects (usually huge vertical quad walls)5. Render the track and let 3dsmax know the location of all texture files (point it to the directory with all maps for the track).If you're converting from F1x games then the procedure would be the following:Just like with SCGT the main track files reside in MAS files (for geometry it's TrackName.mas, for textures - TrackNameMap.mas). The MAS format however is different.1. Use MAStudio's Mas2Files.exe DOS utility to unpack both MAS files.2.
Put all textures and extracted MTS files into one directory (so that ZMOD could load them without any additional actions within ZMOD).3. Open ZModeler and import all MTS files into ZMOD using one of the F1x filters.4. Make sure all loaded textures are no longer than 8 characters in length (not necessarily for Heat but problems can arise when exporting from ZMOD and importing into 3dsmax).5. Now you need to export the track into another format so that you could load it in 3dsmax. There are two possible ways:5.1. Into.3ds (will generate one 3ds)5.2.VRL for SCGT (will generate lots of VRLs). Note: use this filter to export to VRL:6.
If you exported into.VRL format then use VRLtoVRML utility to convert and roll all VRLs into single WRL file.7. Import either.3DS or.WRL file into 3dsmax (depending one what you had chosen).8.8.1. If it was.3DS then use a script found here:to process the track.8.2. If it was.WRL then delete all helpers9. Render the track and let 3dsmax know the location of all texture files.More detailed info on converting from F1x games can be found here:CHAPTER 2.
WORKING IN 3DSMAXNow if you are converting a track for Heat and it has elevation changes then most likely drivable surface needs rework. Of course you won't know if the surface is bad enough to redo it until you try it in game, so most likely you will skip reading this part and put it into the game for testing and then return to this chapter (which is how I usually do it, i.e. First test it and then go to 3dsmax to fix it). Not necessarily the whole track will be bumpy, if it's just one section then you can fix only that and leave the rest as is. To fix a road mesh means to delete old mesh, loft a new one and merge it into the scenery (which can be a long process). Apart from that, you need to get rid of as much holes as you can find. Usually there are at least a few.
You do this by welding vertices and making sure there are no gaps between faces or overlapping surfaces.Now you need to group all objects into a few groups. You need to make 6 standard groups (group names are not essential):1) Road group2) Grass group3) Dirt group4) Sand group5) Curbs group6) Misc groupthere can actually be more/less than that, it depends on whether you have or don't have these objects in your track. Sometimes you'd want to create separate groups for trees because of the famous 'halo' problem. Sorting objects into groups as shown above will make it much more easier for you to work with the track in MC. The MC's hierarchy plays an important role in NHeat. For example, with this hierarchy you can fix the 'halo' problem simply by rearranging the groups in specific order (but these groups must be formed beforehand, i.e.
In 3dsmax).If there are any sky boxes in the track, you can simply delete it because NHeat does the skies differently, i.e. You don't have to worry about the sky in 3dsmax at all. That of course is good and bad at the same time. Good because less work, bad because you can't really change the 'mesh' of it; but you still can change its texture.The groups with drivable surfaces such as 'Road' or 'Grass' are the most important groups. As long as they are the only ones which:1) take up the whole time during MKWORLD conversion;2) increase final TRK file size drasticallyit is crucial to include only that mesh into the groups, which will be driven on. E.g., unlikely that you'll be able/allowed to drive behind the fence, so it doesn't make any sense to make the surface behind the fence drivable, even though you might have a wish to do that. Don't.Once the groups are formed you need to put this track into MC for future work.
This will require some exporting and importing.CHAPTER 3. MOVING TRACK FROM 3DSMAX TO MULTIGEN CREATOR1) Hide everything which you do not want to appear on the track (hidden objects do not get exported - note that this is plug-in specific);2) Export the track into VRML97 (.WRL) format. Set ' Digits of Precision ' to 6 and ' Polygons Type ' to Triangles.3) Reset the scene;4) Import the WRL file back into 3dsmax;5) If there were any cameras in track, they were exported too (even if you hid them). Delete the cameras.6) Render the track and make sure 3dsmax knows the locations of all textures. If it doesn't find some and you export it as is, objects will be white in game, even if you pack the textures for those objects into the final TRK file.7) Create a new folder.
Do dil ek jaan serial song ringtone download. It of course is not a must step, but the next step (8th) will generate a ton of files, so let's say if you export the track onto your desktop, then your desktop will be completely filled with files.8 ) Export the track into OpenFlight (.FLT) format into the directory you've just created. Select OpenFlight version 15.6. All exported files are insignificant except the FLT of course, but do not delete them just yet, we'll need some of them in 'Chapter 5: Preparing and Converting Textures'.Now the file is ready to be loaded in MC.CHAPTER 4.
WORKING IN MULTIGEN CREATOR1) First thing you'd want to do is arrange the groups in the hierarchy. I usually arrange them in the following order:road - curbs - grass - sand - dirt - single trees - wires - tree lines - miscellaneous - undrivable surface2) Triangulate the whole track.3) Match/weld vertices of all drivable surfaces. Set the tolerance to about 0.21 in the preferences.4) All groups which you made in 3dsmax are reflected in MC too. Assign each group object and face codes.5) Add S/F line.6) Build AI path using Road Construction Tool.
Once this is done, the track can be tested in game.7) Build pit roads.8 ) Build up hittable walls.9) Add penalty traps if needed.10) Add flagman if needed.!!! I repeat, this is just a general guide, almost each of the above mentioned steps is a whole separate tutorial. Most of that you will find explained in the Lucky's tutorials available for download here:CHAPTER 5. PREPARING AND CONVERTING TEXTURESI asked you to leave the files which were generated when you exported the track from 3dsmax into the FLT format. If you look into this folder, you will notice a lot of files with ATTR extension. You can delete these, they are not needed for anything. You now should be left with the textures and a couple of other files.
We're interested in texture files only. The reason I asked you to leave the files in this directory is because very often. If not always, when you convert a track from another game in NHeat, original track includes a lot of textures some of which will simply not be used in NASCAR Heat for various reasons. When you export the track into FLT format from 3dsmax, 3dsmax copies only.those. textures into the directory with FLT, which are 100% used by the track and will be required by NHeat to display them. We don't need these 'generated' texture files, but we will use them to make up a list of textures used in a track, it is the most precise way. So get this small util:download, unpack and run it.
Copy the path to folder with the textures and run it. The program will display all files which were found in the directory.
If the were non-texture files in the directery, delete their names from the list. Finally, save the list as TXT file somewhere.All textures should be square, e.g. 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512 or the largest possible in Heat - 1024x1024. A good manner is to use at least 512x512 textures for such 'objects' as road, grass, skies, i.e. The ones which are visible all the time. It will simply make the track look nicier.The textures have to be saved as 24-bit uncompressed TGA files (for non-alpha textures) and 32-bit uncompressed TGA files - for alpha textures.To convert magenta based alpha channel texture to textures with real alpha channel, read this topic:Then use WinResToolsWizard available on this site in the Downloads section to batch convert multiple TGAs to TEXs. Alpha and non-alpha textures have to be converted separately because of alpha flag.CHAPTER 6.
CREATING CAMERAS & TRACK IMAGESUsually cameras are done in the very end, much like track images. To make the cameras you will need to return to 3dsmax, not because it's the only possible way, but rather because it's easier to do them there. In fact, Heat only needs locations and camera types from us, so basically even if you put a single vertex somewhere on track and put down its coordinates into a formatted file, that would be enough, but usually you'd use camera objects available in 3dsmax anyway. It's easy to manage them.Additional information about camera types and how to manipulate them can be found in this topic:As for track images, see this topic which explains all files related to track screens:CHAPTER 7. SOME FACTS TO KEEP IN MIND- all objects have to be textured;- textures have to be square;- if you're making a track MKFLT-way, then one object can't have two or more textures on it, i.e.
Multi/Sub-Object is not supported by this util.