If you want to learn a little more about dating and authenticating your Chanel, then read further.Chanel started placing serial numbers on their bags in 1986. The bags were accompanied by a black authenticity card with its matching serial numbers.The early variation that begins with a zero may be a little confusing to some. Chanel omitted the number 0 from their earliest 7 digits serial numbers starting from 1 and 2 on the serial sticker. However, the authenticity card associated with the early bags did include the number zero in the sequence. This means that you'll have a Chanel hologram sticker with six digits (minus the 0) in the bag, and a Chanel authenticity card with a full seven digit sequence (including the 0).Here's some guidance on how to determine the birthday of your vintage Chanel bag. 7 digit serial number.
This allows them to date the bag while also making it much, much harder to counterfeit. Click to expand.Uh, this is how I visualize the process of verification at a Chanel boutique. The attendant will open the bag, look for the hologram sticker on the bottom, and type the serial number on their computer. If green light flashes, the bag is ok.
No serial numberPre 1986It is often common that some vintage Chanel bags does not have a serial number or authenticity card. There is a chance that, due to excessive wear and tear, that the serial sticker may have worn off or even fallen out from the bag over the years.
A missing serial sticker does not automatically mean that the Chanel bag is fake. Additionally, it does not always mean that your bag is authentic even if it comes with a serial number.The serial sticker is one of many ways to check if your Chanel bag is the real deal. As many fakes would not be able to get this part right so knowing your numbers would help you determine the real vs the fakes. Hence, always be sure to buy from a reputable seller.Share.
Share the post 'How to spot a fake Chanel bag? See it here in pictures and videos!' .If you’re looking for the guide on how to spot a fake Chanel bag, you’ve come to the right place!
But before you get to the goods, read this e-mail sent to Wondermika by a loyal readerDear editor,I almost fell prey to a fake designer seller. Of all people, I really thought that I would be the last one to be cheated. After all, I’m educated, exposed and I keep up with the latest in fashion. Recently, I almost bought a fake Chanel bag.It all started when I was surfing the net.
I found this Facebook account of a lady who claims to sell authentic designer goods. The Facebook page even has tenths of thousands of fan likes. So I thought, people must trust her. Plus, most of what she posts on Facebook gets sold out very quickly. The story is that she has a sister who is a flight attendant who helps her buy all her designer goods. On top of that, she says that she also goes to Paris on holidays.
She even posted a photo of her in front of Eiffel Tower!And one day, I saw a Chanel 2.55. I had always wanted the bag but the price had always made me pause.
I thought if I bought it from this lady, I would save $1500. Yeah, that extra $1500 would buy me a designer purse to match the bag.I did my research, asked her lots of questions. At the time, I thought I could tell a fake from a genuine Chanel. So I decided to buy. The agreement was to meet in person as I was reluctant to have the bag mailed to me. After all, I am still paying a high price!We met at a shopping mall.
It just so happened that my colleague ‘F’ was with me at the time because she drove that day. The lady took out the bag for me to see.
I really saw nothing wrong with it and was ready to make the payment. Until my colleague nudged at me as if trying to signal something. I didn’t understand. F suddenly said that she needed to go to the toilet and that she wanted me to accompany her.
So I apologised to the lady and asked her to wait for us to return.In the toilet, F broke the news to me, “The bag is fake!”. According to F, the first rule of thumb is to check the CC logo.
Apparently, the C on the right should overlap the left C which is facing the other way and when she saw that the other C was on top, she knew it was fake!In my head, I had already planned what to say to this lying sack. To call her a con and embarrass her in front of shoppers, get her arrested, etc. But when we went back to the meeting place, she was gone! She must have guessed that we were on to her.Since that incident, I never bought anything from Facebook retailers or even blogs. I’ve learned to tell the difference now since I bought a genuine Chanel from the boutique itself. Sometimes, when I go up the escalator, I see the person in front of me carrying a bag that appears to be a Chanel 2.55. I could tell it is a fake but I always wondered if the owner knew.Thanks again for all your stories.
Can you please do a story on how to spot a fake Chanel bag?Sincerely,Maiisa K.####Too many like Maiisa have nearly fallen prey to fake designer sellers. And many more have burnt their hard earned money on something they thought was real.
Our advice is to always purchase your designer goods directly from the or from a reputable department store like Saks. Counterfeit manufacturers are becoming more sophisticated in making fake designers. In conjunction with Wondermika’s Anti Fake Designer Campaign, we’ve lined up lots of stories for you from brand stories to guides on how to spot fakes. Below are some tips from, and various experts on how to spot a fake Chanel bag.If you like this story, you might also like these:Top 10 things to look out for when authenticating a Chanel bag#1 The CC logoThe right C should overlap on top, and left C should overlap on the bottom. If it’s the other way around, it’s a fake. The width of the C should also match the width of the horizontal gap between the two Cs. If the bag you are looking at has a CC on the inside, it should feel soft and not as if there is a card board inside.#2 Turn style lockThe lock on the authentic bag is much flatter in shape and wider in font type whereas the lock on the fake bag is thinner in font type and bulky, rounder in shape.The double C lock is the most recognisable designs on the 2.55.
This iconic lock was designed by Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel. The lock designed by Chanel herself is very different from Karl Lagerfeld’s lock as it is rectangular in shape and has no Chanel logo stamping.
The double C lock is also referred to as the mademoiselle lock as Chanel never married. (Source: )#3 HardwareThis will differ with year and style, but on the classic flap, the snap button and the back of the turnlock closure should be engraved with CHANEL PARIS. On the other side of the turnstyle lock, the backplate (left picture) should have flat head screws. On the left it should say Chanel, and on the right it should say Paris.
(Source: )Screws: This is another quick and powerful tool for detecting counterfeit Chanel. The screw test. Above are three types of screws you might find on a Chanel item. B and C are ok, but A (Philips head) is not. Chanel never uses Philips head screws to fasten metal hardware. This example is of a Philips head screw and is generally not be found on a Chanel handbag. This might be something that can be seen in lower class counterfeits whereas a higher quality Chanel fake might still be able to have this detail correct.
(Image: )Chanel Zippers: Chanel has utilized several different zipper manufactures throughout the years, and each specific zipper brand will generally map to a specific time frame, model or style. The zipper manufacturers utilized have always been high quailty producers, and as such, the zipper mechansims found on authentic Chanel should always be high quality. Below are Lampo zippers which Chanel uses however they also use other zipper brands like YKK. Scroll below to learn more thanks to ‘s comprehensive guide:Other logo stamps that may be found on Chanel zippers are. Modern EP Zipper. Example of a ‘modern’ day EP zipper as seen here on a authentic 2.55 caviar classic bag from the 2005 collection. This style of EP zipper is usually found on authentic 2.55 classic such as black, biege, white caviar and lambskin flap bags.
The zipper pull usually have a thin leather pull tab please note that the leather pull tab should match the main bag base, i.e if the bag is caviar skin the leather pull tab should be caviar skin too!#4 QuiltingAlways check if the quilt stitching on flap and pocket match the body. On an authentic Chanel, the quilt stitching should line up neatly on the front flap and back pocket. On the back pocket, it is not one continuous stitch that runs from the purse onto the pocket. The pocket and purse are two distinct pieces that were stitched separately, and joined via a stitch along the outside perimeter of the pocket.
If you see a bag with quilting that does not line up between flap and body as well as pocket and back, beware, think twice. However, we’ve also seen top grade fakes that manage to get the quilting to line up.
Our advice is to buy directly from the Chanel boutique or go with reputable department stores or reputable consignment stores. (Source: )#5 StitchingThe photo of the left shows a fake Chanel and the right photo shows an authentic Chanel.
A low stitch count causes the quilted effect to be puffy whereas the authentic Chanel which has a high stitch count doesn’t end up puffy. Notice how the fake bag on left has thinner ‘diamond’ quilt stitching? The ones on real Chanel are much squarer. The turn lock on the fake bag is also as big as the leather bit that secures the bag and the leather around the turn lock also puffs up. On the authentic bag on the right, the turn lock has good spacing around it and leather around it does not puff up.More on stitching:The quilted stitch design was designed by Coco Chanel to resemble the quilted jackets of horse jockeys back then. There should be at least ten stitches PER inch. Anything under that is simply not authentic.
(Photo: )#6 LiningHere are some pictures of the lining of FAKE Chanel bags below:This CC is simply messy. A dead giveaway. See how the CC is too raised and puffy as if filled with something hard.This fake manufacturer managed to line up the button with the CC but the CC is terribly made with crooked lines.Just look at how the lining is bubbling and collapsing. This should not happen with authentic bags.#7 Chanel stampingCheck the colour of the stamping in the bag. If the hardware is Silver, the stamping in the bag should also be silver. If the hardware is gold, the stamping should also be in gold. An authentic Chanel bag never has mismatched hardware and stamping.
(Source: )#8 Chain strapsCheck the chain and see if the part where the chain breaks is clearly visible. In authentic Chanel bags with chain leather straps, that part where the chain breaks should be well hidden.
In a lot of bags made before 2008 there is no stitching in the leather interwoven in the chain at all. If there is stitching on the interwoven leather in the chains of the bags you see now, it will only be on one side like above. By the way, Coco Chanel came from an orphanage, and her caretakers wore chains around their waists which held their keys.
That is the meaning behind the chain. In the 80s when Karl Lagerfeld took over, he added a leather strap interwoven in between the chains. (Source: )#9 Authenticity CardThe “card system” was introduced the same time as the serial sticker. There should be absolutely no rainbowy “hologram” type effect.
It is made out of plastic and feels just like a credit card just like PRADA cards. As you see above, the serial number on the bag, and the number on the authenticity card, always match. It always comes with a small 2×2 creme envelop with info on the bag.
Now, if a bag doesn’t come with a card, don’t dismiss it as fake as the previous owner could have genuinely lost it. But do look out for other signs of authenticity.#10 Serial stickerSerial stickers were first introduced in 1984 and continue to be used today. As mentioned, numbers on serial stickers should match numbers on the authenticity card. Bags made before this time, don’t have stickers. 6 digit codes-bag was made some time between 1984 and 1986. 7 digit codes- handbag was made between 1986 and 2004. 8 digit codes have been used since 2005 until TODAY.
8 digits is the max amount of digits you should see on a Serial Number.Anything over 8 digits is not authentic.If you would like a more detailed explanation, here’s a guide on the sticker, Chanel logo, and hologram design varied with the manufacturing date compiled by which sells authentic designer goods:Serial No. And Year ManufacturedStyle of NumbersStyle of Serial Number StickerPicture of Serial Number Sticker14XXXXXX Year: 20110’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Eight digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage.
“CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker.
Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.13XXXXXXYear:2009 to 20100’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Eight digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage. “CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.12XXXXXXYear:2008 to 20090’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Eight digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage.
“CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.11XXXXXXYear:2006 to 20080’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Eight digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage.
“CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.10XXXXXXYear:2005 to 20060’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Eight digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage. “CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker.
Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.9XXXXXXYear:2004 to 20050’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage. “CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker.
Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.8XXXXXXYear:2003 to 20040’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage.
“CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.7XXXXXXYear:2002 to 20030’s have strikethroughs.
1’s have small serifs (feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage. “CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.6XXXXXXYear:2000 to 20020’s have strikethroughs. 1’s have small serifs (feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage.
“CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.5XXXXXXYear:1997 to 19990’s have strikethroughs up to 51XXXXX.
0’s have no strikethroughsfrom 52XXXXX to 56XXXXX. 0’s have strikethroughs from 57XXXXX on. 1’s have small serifs (feet) from 57XXXXX on.Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker covered with clear tape with two Chanel logos from 57XXXXX on.”X” cut-lines prevent sticker from being removed without damage.
“CHANEL” appears on rightright side of the sticker. Dark line appears on left side of sticker. Gold speckles appear throughout sticker.4XXXXXXYear:1996 to 19970’s have strikethroughs. 1’s are sans-serifs (no feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker with Chanel logos. Opaque film covers sticker.3XXXXXXYear:1994 to 19960’s have strikethroughs. 1’s are sans-serifs (no feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker with Chanel logos.
Opaque film covers sticker.2XXXXXXYear:1991 to 19940’s have no strikethroughs up to 27XXXXXX. 1’s have serifs (feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker with Chanel logos. Opaque film covers sticker.1XXXXXXYear:1989 to 19910’s have no strikethroughs. 1’s have serifs (feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker with Chanel logos and left-sided cutout. Opaque film covers sticker.0XXXXXXYear:1986 to 19880’s have no strikethroughs.
1’s have serifs (feet).Seven digit serial number printed on white sticker with Chanel logos and left-sided cutout. Opaque film covers sticker. Note that early serial numbers (starting with a 1 or 2) did not have a leading “0”. Therefore, these were six-digit serial numbers.
Also, the sticker was larger than the stickers produced later in the series.SHOP HERE. Here’s a video from which can give you more tips on authenticating the Chanel bag. Check out their YouTube Channel. They also sell authentic Chanel bags and have been in the business of selling genuine goods for a long time. So they really know their stuff!Some reputable stores that guarantee authentic Chanel:. (Australia only)We hope this guide will be able to help you in making an informed purchase the next time you are shopping for a Chanel. Leave us some love in the comments section, tell us your story.Please helps us spread the word: Like this story and share it on Facebook, Tweet this, and even e-mail this out to your family, friends and colleagues.If you like this story, you might also like these:Come see us on Facebook =)We love you!Main image.
HiI love your article they are good.I notice that different design and sizes will have different stitches per diamonds.I have all the different sizes of the classic and i counted them. Hey so I found a Chanel bag at a thrift store I often visit due to the large amount of designer brands I always find there.
The bag literally matches everything an authentic bag should have according to you and many other bloggers I have visited except for one detail. My bag is missing the gold recangular hardware in the back of the turnlock.
It does look like there was something that was meant to be there though ( the hole where the turnlock goes in is smaller than the hole cutout to put it there which doesnt look pretty so obvs there was something to be placed over it )so I am wondering if those things ever loosen up and fall off? The bag looks so genuine.
Every other detail ads up except for that one so what do you think? Hi, I wanted to purchase a Red Caviar preloved jumbo Chanel at good offer bcs the owner claimed to have lost the authentication cards and not come with dust bag as well, I doubted this part, when I insist to asked why without those two very important? She told her house got robbery and lost it with her jewelry. But why the robber take the card and the dust bag not the Chanel bag itself. This is really puzzled me she told me thats why she sell it cheap bcs of the two missing thingsTq!Yasmine. Hi there, I need your help to clarify something.
I am worried sick over purchasing a vintage Chanel Jumbo Maxi Flap bag that is on its way to me from a seller on a few sites, including her own. Its a black caviar ’94-96 production, all matches except: there are no stitched CC on the inside of the single flap – I have seen on the Internet some vintage single flap bags with and some without – and, the sticker inside matches all except it has only 7 interlocking CCs not 10 as its apparently the case. Again, I have seen a bunch of bags with 7 and a bunch with 10. DO those CCs on the sticker vary in number from 7 to 10 or its clearly a fake bag? I am worried sick as I paid a lot of money! Hello, I love your site.
I just purchased a Chanel handbag from a online company that guarantees authenticity. I actually purchased if from the company’s “Closet” section of the site. Long story short, once I purchased the Chanel, I noticed some tel tel signs that would say the item is Fake, one being the inside double C above the gold heat Chanel stamp don’t cross correctly. The second being, the hardware plate should say Chanel on the Left, Paris on the Right, Thats also reversed, the third being the gold Chanel Stamp says Chanel, Paris(below Chanel) and then Made in France opposite side of bag, there is no registered mark next to Chanel. I am actually ok with the third because I’ve seen vintage Chanel’s with that same heat stamp. But when you group everything together, It concerns me.The seller says its Authentic and that they had it look at by the in-house authenticators as well as Authentic First & that its a Vintage Flap Bag Special Edition Paris from the early 80’s.
They haven’t even shipped my item out & they were suppose to get back with me about my questions and concerns yesterday and not a peep.My question is, have you ever hear of a Chanel bag being Authentic with what they call, the reverse or mirror C’s.the quality, but I haven’t heard anything back from them. This is a HUGE site that I actually sell on it rimes with Stacey(smile)I wish they would atleast ship the item so that I can examine the quality, but I haven’t heard anything back from them.
This is a HUGE site that I actually sell on it rimes with Stacey(smile).