From the creators of Fish Tycoon and the epic Virtual Villagers series comes Plant Tycoon, a plant simulation where you grow plants, harvest seeds, and sell adult plants in the Nursery to make money. Monitor your plants health, age and maturity and be careful of dehydration and infestations. Plant Tycoon (Mac) Publisher's Description Plant Tycoon is a gardening sim game where you nurture plants and experiment with increasingly rare and valuable species. The object is to breed and cross breed plants until you find the 6 Magic Plants of Isola and solve the genetic puzzle. Hello guys im video how to donload plant tycoon full version step 1 link donload games
Plant Tycoon isa gardening simulation game where you nurture plants and experiment withincreasingly rare species and valuable. The purpose of this game is to breedplants float until you find the 6 Magic Plants of Isola and solve the geneticpuzzle. You will startthis game with a few dollars, a handful of seeds, some soil and water. Afterthe plants grow, you should be able to arrange your plants to monitor planthealth, age, maturity and expanding cross breed with your plants, protectplants from dehydration and disease then you can harvest the seeds and theobtaining of new plant species and sell your crops to fund your research.
Players startwith only a small selection of plants, some seeds, some money, and a seed box.Money is earned by selling plants and catching duplicate bugs. With thisadditional supplies, medicine, and special chemicals are available to bebought, along with the options of researching soil, water, insect nets, andpruning shears (three levels for each) for your plant shop. Although the gameruns in real time, it can be paused - normally the life in the plant shop runseven when you exit the game or turn off your computer. There are several waysin which plants in Plant Tycoon differs from real life plant raising.
Forexample, plants in Plant Tycoon can only be pollinated once, and Magic Plantsin Plant Tycoon have a unique effect on other plants or purchasers. It alsoassumes that all plants can be cross pollinated and make hybrids with any otherplant. Plant SeedPlayers take onthe role of owning a greenhouse where they breed and sell plants.
They startwith $250, Common soil, Common water, Common shears, a Common net, a few Commonseeds, 1 seed storage box, 1 bottle of Insta-Grow, 1 bottle of Insta-GrowVaporbomb and 1 bottle of Plant food. Players make more money by selling plantsand catching bugs. They can then buy more chemicals, tool upgrades, nurseryupgrades and seeds. There are 48 different types of bugs. Catching bugs bringsin a little bit of money.
There are Common, Uncommon and Rare bugs. The firstbug of each type goes into a jar and all duplicates of that bug areautomatically turned into cash. Duplicate bugs earn $5 for Common, $20 forUncommon and $40 for Rare. The bug net can be upgraded from Common to Uncommonto Rare with each upgrade requiring less accuracy in catching a bug.Bug in Plant TycoonThere are morethan 400 different species of plants to be discovered. By cross pollinatingCommon plants, players get seeds for fragile Uncommon hybrids. These requirethe more expensive Uncommon supplies. Some of these plants will survive longenough for cross pollinating, but in order to live and remain healthy they needthe first upgrade of soil.
Other bug fixes and improvements Various performance improvements and bug fixes have been implemented. Update my tomtom get started. You can also see here examples of coordinates (your current location) in different formats you can use. The Latitude Longitude menu brings up the coordinate search.
By cross pollinating these hybrids with otherUncommon and Common plants, players get seeds for frail Rare hybrids. Theserequire the very expensive Isola supplies to survive. These rare hybrids willonly survive in the highest soil quality. Players discover very rare Magicalplants by cross pollinating Common, Uncommon and Rare plants.
The Magicalplants typically need Isola soil and all have unique effects that immediatelyand permanently affect the Greenhouse and Nursery. Plants sell from $5 forcommon plants, to $1000 for rare Magical plants.